Por Virginia Galván
by Vickyvananda
It seems to be an advisement inherited by the grandmothers from generation to generation.
(…. my grandmother said the same thing)
by Vickyvananda
It seems to be an advisement inherited by the grandmothers from generation to generation.
It is a meal that contains healing properties and has been used for loving problems, for breathing illnesses, to mitigate the cold or just for tasting.
It is a well known soup in the entire world due to all the ground it has covered.
In the XII century, Moisés Maimónides, a Muslim doctor, prescribed this remedy to the Saladin´s son, the sultan of that time. The young men had asma and little by little he became better.
In the book “Manual de mugeres en el qual”, receipts (Salamanca University, 1995), one can find many good and diverse recipes, which were written anonymously in the 16th century. In this book, it is explained how this chicken soup has been cooked and its benefits: “Take a chicken and kill it”. Then skin it and remove the fat. Cut it in pieces and put it in a glass bowl (in that time they used alembics of glass). Add 4 drums of nutmeg, 4 drums of cinnamon, 4 drums of cloves and 2 drums of ginger. Grind all and add the chicken. Wrap it with dough and place it in the fire. Once cooked remove all water and cook it until it thickens. “Give this water to those who are ill and they will heal”.
Irwin Ziment affirms in the book “Food, miracle medicine” (Amat,2008), that the chicken contains a natural amino acid call cysteine, which is released when cooking the soup. The cysteine is very similar than the chemic acetyl cysteine, which is a medicine used in bronchitis and breathing infections, for dissolving mucus and facilitating its expulsion. It also says that in order to decongest lungs and the nose, it is necessary to add large amounts of garlic, onion, pepper and spicy ingredients such as curry or chili.
In 1978, Marvin Sacker, pneumologist of the Mount Sinai Medical Center, did an investigation to prove the effects of chicken soup while being ingested and while been smelled. He made a test in a group of 15 persons -men and women-, giving them cold and warm water and also the chicken soup. After 15 minutes, he measures their nasal fluid and found a decrease in the congestion.
In America, in Chile and Peru, this soup is known as “skillet soup”, while in Colombia is called “Ajiaco”. They also add corn.
In the United States, “the chicken noodle soup” is recommended for common colds and it is prepared with noodles (it could be spaguetti), carrots and celery.
In Poland, they add almonds.
In France, they cook the “Bouillon or Consommé” with aromatic herbs such as bay leafs and thyme.
In Greece, it is known as “Avgolemono” and they add ingredients such as egg, milk, butter and citron juice.
In China they add ginger, onion, black pepper, soy sauce, sesame oil and rice wine to prepare this soup.
In North Corea it is call “Samgyetang” and it is made with ginger, dry fruits, ginseng and garlic. They use this soup to prevent common colds.
The chicken soup is considered one of the most exquisite soups in the world; no matter which receipt it is used, according to each country.
It is warm, tasty and armonatic, attractive and delicious for any occasion.
“We express our gratitude to all grandmothers for leaving this valuable and healing soup
to be enjoyed in all future generations”
[1] http://mx.noticias.yahoo.com/blogs/como-decia-mi-abuela/el-remedio-casero-para-todos-los-males-del-mundo-095646031.html#more-id
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