miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014


Por: Evy Basma


Health  studies show that women who drink beer moderatively  have less heart and bone deseases than women that don`t. 

The research shows that women who drink beer has 25 % less risk of getting heart related desease.  ( Harvard school of public health,1999 ).

But even more stunning news, is that women in the menopause, are protected from osteoporosis by drinking two beers every day (considered moderate consumption).

The Framinghamreport of osteoporosis, show that beer, especially after the menopuase, is healthy.
The reasons may be that the silisium in beer may have an effect on the kidneys and the production of androgens and estrogens. An effect that hinders the destruction of the bone mass.

Though, it is important to state, that women because they have more fat and lower body weight than men ( alcohol is transportted in the fat ) also tolerate less alcohol than men. The study showed positive effect from drinking two glasses every day. ( one glass :356 ml).

Social studies show that men drink more beer and women drink more wine ! Why ? Could it be because women who drink beer think that beer makes them fat ?

Well, here are some facts about calories :

1. Red wine - 70 calories
2. White wine - 69 calories
3. Milk - 66 calories
4.energy drinks - 58 calories
5.low fat milk - 46 calories
6. Juice - 43 calories
7. Sats - 42 calories
8. Soda - 40 calories
9. BEER !!! (4,7 % ) - 31 calories

Beer does not make you fat. What makes you fat is consumming more calories than that of what your body needs combined with no physical activity.

All in all, beer has a positive effect on the women`s health, specially handcrafted beer.  It`s a healthy drink protecting you against illnesses.

 And if you decide to  make your own beer, you could control the alcohol percentage, choose the taste and the herbs...as well as lean towards a better health.

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