Por: Evy Basman
It is feminin beauty !
All studies about the menopause, starts from the persumption that women will feel worse, not
Hot flushes, tiredness, sleepless nights, mood changes,the
34 symptoms of menopause, are listed at the end of this article. All of
them, off course, are feeding the hungry pharamcy business with money.
Hormon treatment (HRT) can slow the symptoms down, but just for a while
and only if your are not afraid of breastcanser,stroke and heart
diseases. Premarin (HRT-chemical estrogen) is the 5.th most sold
medicament to white women in the U:S. German studies show that men at
50 years, swet as much as women same age. But i guess, men are not a
money target for the business, yet..
The menopause is rare in mammals and scientists do not know why it happened to humans.
It was classified as a desease in 1710. And also called the
" gateway to death ".
In the 20 th century the clitoris and the uterus were taken out, to
introduce a false menopause, with lesser symptoms. But even today
hysterectomi is done as preventive measure. Out of 845 ovaries taken out
in U.S one year, it was shown that only 45 of them were cancerous !
Our sisters in Africa and Asia are hardly afected by the symptoms. So there is nothing called a universal menopause syndrome.
In Okinawa, Japan, were women live longer than in any other place, they even have
no word for hot flushes.
And a lot of western women claim they have small or no problems going towards the menopause, claiming that their lifes even get
better, their voices are hardly heard. Their common remarks are :
No fear of being pregnant, no fear of expressing their toughts, no mood changes and a more stimulating social life.
As one woman said : "
it is finally owning your own skin, after years of paying rent."
But still there are women suffering from one or more of the symptoms listed below.
Could the reason be that white western women are slaves of a society that is
youth obsessed ?
Forced to take part in a
competative society. Fearing that younger women will replace them, ,take their jobs and even take their husbands.
Are women at this age thinking that
life is something that has been, not something that will be ?
Thinking, that at this age, it is
too late to study, to develop, to change ?
It is not strange that we think like this, because we have been told more less the same message , all of us :
We have been told for years, that a woman who is not raising
children, not being a sexual object, not competing in the working
marked or not competing with other girls for the "winning prize", (the
man) she has no value !
WE ARE the disease according to the masculin founded, western society we live in !.
A feeling of inferiority will probably affect the female hormon system.
Forced to compete with other women and forced be to adapt to a
society that has absolutely no female values at all, will probably
affect the female hormon system. In lesser or stronger scale.
Thats why it is urgent to face the menopause in new way, in a feminin way.
In the menopause we get the posiibility to :
descover our physical and emotional conditions, that before were hidden by high estrogen levels.
All the symptoms of the menopause, were probably always there, supressed
by hormons. But it was not given any atention. ( you might say;we were
drugged by estrogen)
Estrogen is a hormon that has a significant influence in our body, it
does not only control the menstruation. But, it also affect the
immunity system, the metabolic system, etc.It is protecting the body and
in a way, inhibiting symptoms, so that a woman , while she is
menstruating, has to do what is most important to the specie, make sure
it continues.. And when this hormon falls in amount, we are naked
forced to face ourself and our body with its symptoms, in a new way.
We get a new body, and we have to dectect our new body map, with all of its symptoms. And start to care about ourself.
Caring about one self includes :
Changing food habits do more physical activities, do acupuncture,
continue to study etc...( all this information is easy to find in the
net )
But,even more important is to not be afraid of becoming someone new. Meeting your true self.
Not being afraid of finding new ways to get to know yourself, seeking other type of "intelligence" that we did before, through prayer, meditation and contemplation.
Estrogen is a hormon garantizising for the continuation of the specie,
But when there is less of it, we are given the real posibility to
identify ourself.
We are able to express our self without fear. Being who we want to
be and not who we are told to be. Begining to know our talents. And we
have sufficently experience to guide younger women,to be a referance as a woman.
And it is urgent that we do that, because we live in a hostile society.
A society that is a threat to the human specie. A society that produces, violence and hunger. And extermination.
We need the female answers given by experienced and free women,
Thats why menopause is a garantization for the continuation of the specie of human beings. Men and women.
The history of menopause. Hot flushes, cold science by Louise Foxcroft.
Lauren Bacall : " I am not a has been..,I am a will be !.